Month / February 2021
Educated parents, healthy children
Parental education has an effect not only on children’s education, career choices, and income, but also on children’s physical health—even decades after they have left home. These findings are the result of a study based on “Living in Germany” that was conducted by a research team in Halle. As far as children’s mental health is concerned, parental education appears to be less decisive.
Mini-job holders are among the biggest losers in the corona crisis
The corona crisis has had significant impacts on workers in mini-jobs. In June 2020, for instance, regular employment fell by just 0.2 percent, while mini-jobs fell by 12 percent. Women were hit particularly hard by these job losses. An article published by Spiegel online presented research findings based on data from “Living in Germany.” “A reform of the mini-job sector is long overdue,” says study author Markus Grabka, one of the researchers on the SOEP team at DIW Berlin.
Further information
Der Spiegel: Minijobberinnen in der Pandemie, Von 450 Euro auf null
DIW Berlin: Beschäftige in Minijobs sind VerliererInnen der coronabedingten Rezession