New insights on poverty in Germany

Poverty in Germany has risen significantly over the last decade. A study has examined the connection between poverty and social participation in Germany using data from “Living in Germany.” According to the study, poor people not only have less income and assets, but also acquire fewer educational skills and work under poorer working conditions. They live in smaller housing and have poorer health.

The various impairments mean that poor people can only participate in society to a limited extent. Persistently poorer people also state that they are significantly less satisfied with their lives than the average population.

The authors of the report, Dr. Dorothee Spannagel and Dr. Aline Zucco, point out that the report relies on data up to and including 2019. Since then, rising energy prices and high inflation are likely to have exacerbated the situation for poorer people.

Further information

Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut (WSI) der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung: Arm und ausgeschlossen: Armut schränkt gesellschaftliche Teilhabe stark ein, Krise verschärft Problem |WSI-Verteilungsbericht 2022 as full text (pdf) Armut gefährdet die Demokratie

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